We offer a wide range of other training and consultancy services that can be customised or tailored to meet individual requirements.

Why Choose Us?

Our management and training staff have a wealth of experience in commercial training. We offer our clients a complete customer-focused service, including quality training, advice, after sales support and certification. We will deliver all of your training requirements with the highest level of customer service and satisfaction and of equal importance to you, at very competitive rates.

Quality of Training & Professionalism

Customer Service

Personalised & Tailored Service

Dedicated Contact

Purpose-Built Facilities

Refresher Reminder Service

Value For Money


ITS offer a very diverse and wide range of training products and their trainers are professionals in their area of expertise and offer a very interesting, interactive and worthwhile training course. The quality of the training is very high and we get great value for money, which is very important in these difficult times. The staff at ITS are very friendly and helpful and always try their best to ensure your enquires are dealt with promptly and effectively first time. I would highly recommend ITS to other clients.

Sandra Fitzsimmons, Training Delivery Manager, Scotland Gas Networks